Keep pushing

Keep pushing

I’m proud to say am a product of hard work and resilience. Analogically, I desire to have a thick and broad chest, so I decided to hit the gym relentlessly until my chest turned me into a model. (Chuckle) I have never been to a gym before but that’s the simple description of my success story. It doesn’t come like a stroll on the road, it wasn’t a roller coaster for me but I didn’t stop pushing.

At some point, I was tired and wanted to give up. I had to look back and see how far I have gone. It would have been a loss at that point to quit. All I needed was the zeal and capacity to keep pushing. I found those attributes in my fortified instinct which wants success. Remembering why I started won’t want me to stop.

Dear reader, remember how far you’ve gone. All you need is a little effort to your successful destination. You can take a break but don’t quit until you get to that destination.